New computer, performance

Hello all,

Hi all!

I just bought a new computer ( with a i7 8700 CPU and Nvidia quadro p1000 GPU. During my first projects of high resolution glacier images, i got immediately an error of:

I updated the driver with the Latest version and now this error has not been given anymore.

Next to that, I changed in the Control panel the Nvidia settings to 3D game settings.

However, the projects run still very slow and sometimes suddenly collapse.

Can I do something about this?



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Hi Lander,

Glad to read that you managed to solve your first issue using our Knowledge Base.

The processing speed depends on many factors: 

  • How many images does the project have?
  • What is the pixel resolution of the images?
  • What are the processing options?
  • What is the computer used?

It is very important that you do not generate output files that you are not interested in. For example, if you are not interested in the 3D textured mesh, it is better to deactivate the option that generates this file.

One of the options that makes the processing faster is the “Targeter Number of Keypoints”. You can adjust this options to the 20000 value (it is recommended for RGB images and not multispectral images).

For a large projects (over 500 images at 14 MP), we usually recommend 32 GB RAM, 60 GB SSD Free Space.
To better understand the use of resources during processing I recommend you this article:
[Hardware components usage when processing with Pix4D

](/hc/en-us/related/click?data=BAh7CjobZGVzdGluYXRpb25fYXJ0aWNsZV9pZGkEH9ASDDoYcmVmZXJyZXJfYXJ0aWNsZV9pZGkEaccSDDoLbG9jYWxlSSIKZW4tdXMGOgZFVDoIdXJsSSJWL2hjL2VuLXVzL2FydGljbGVzLzIwMjU1OTUxOS1IYXJkd2FyZS1jb21wb25lbnRzLXVzYWdlLXdoZW4tcHJvY2Vzc2luZy13aXRoLVBpeDREBjsIVDoJcmFua2kG–bac2a839a3f8437bd00dbf8e328562f22d0d0909)It is also usually recommended to process your projects on the  SSD  and to store the images on the  SSD  while processing.
It is not necessary to have Pix4Dmapper installed on the SSD, but it would allow the software to launch faster. However, you should process the project on the SSD with the images on the SSD as well for the maximal performance. The different steps use the resources of the computer in a different way and in some steps (especially during step 3) the hard drive is used a lot to read and write the results. 

To prevent crashing, I can also recommend you to slightly decrease the “Maximum Resources Available for Processing” as adding a limit could impede crashing:

More articles on the topic:

I hope that this will help you,

Thank you for you response!

Typically the projects have 400-700 images (± 8 MB) and resolution 3-6 cm. 

In fact I only need the orthomosaic and DSM so I can deactivate a lot of options? 

Since I am at the moment waiting for a license (purchased by the university), I only use the trial version for now and cannot adjust the number of targeted keypoints I think.

The computer we bought has 16 GB RAM. Where can I setup that the process needs to be done on the SSD?



Hi Lander,

According to the resolution of your images, you should not have any issue processing with your computer as shown here:
System requirements: Minimum and recommended computer specifications

  • Medium projects (between 100 and 500 images at 14 MP): 8 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD Free Space.
  • Large projects (between 500 and 2000 images at 14 MP): 16 GB RAM, 40 GB HDD Free Space.

As you only need Orthomosaic and DSM, you can uncheck the box “Generate 3D Textured Mesh”.

With a trial license you have full access to Pix4Dmapper and therefore to all processing options.
However, if you do not face crashing, I recommend you to keep the Number of Targeted Keypoints on Automatic.

You do not need to set up any thing. You should just have your images and your project saved on the SSD.


Hi Marco,

During processing step 1 with 500 images and 8 MB for every image, Pix4D suddenly shuts down every time.

Do you know why this happens?



Hi Lander,

Could you please upload the following files to our OneDrive? We will investigate the crash.

▸ The quality report (.pdf format): …\project_name\1_initial\report\project_name_report.pdf
▸ The project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log
▸ The project file (.p4d): …\project_name.p4d
â–¸ Machine specs

Thank you in advance!

Hello everybody
I have a Dell PowerEdge R730 two processors Xeon E5-2620 v4 64
GB RAM 10 TB SAS and Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000 GPU What is the best Hardwares for me to make a project of 3000 images at a height of 500 meters and a resolution of 24 megapixels and to finish the process in two days?

Hi @adel1993ramaz ,

I replied to your post here regarding the same question. Please feel free to have a look.


Hi Rosana,

Thank you for your response, I replied to you in the same place, please take a look at it, and thank you again.
