Hi Pix4d. I’ve had some success with Mavic Pro and some failures. I want to upgrade to the phantom 4 pro and get started with some big sensor flying. Will ask a few questions so they don’t get tangled in your reply !
Thank you in advance for your reply !!
re your link above on DJI default settings. Does pix4d stop down / close the aperture on flights ? (mavic user here w fixed aperture )
re Mavic issues w focus, will y’all not being able to get Pix4d to focus a phantom 4 pro continue as long as DJI doesnt release better developer software OR might you be able to automate focus sometime in the near future w phantom 4 pro regardless of what DJI does or doesnt do ?
Can you have a once and for all full step by step on what to do ? i.e. some users actually force quit dji go app, others dont. some set focus to infinity some focus far away…
w a mavic flight i was able to start one mission on a roof (wanted roof in focus) but then my flight was not wide enough for coverage, conversely when i flew the full coverage of the mission, the focus on the ground made the roof out of focus…
separately can you long windedly comment on focus issues going forward / near future of next couple of weeks and possibilities of resolving them on your end (( with full understanding it is complicated when DJI doesnt help much on their end))
thank you much !!
and just say differently.
this guy does not want any sharpening. but to be able to have a fully focused image, he HAS to add it. then removes the sharpening in post.
because again, noise reduction turns on automatically for video and jpgs and softens parts of the image. WHEN 0 sharpening is selected.
Question is, if i had at least a “1” selected for jpg sharpening in DJI go app 4. would Pix4d mapper keep that setting ? i am on iOS iPhone.
I have found one issue with mavic pro. Im curious if one can adjust these setting manually in DJI go 4 before switching over.
This is an across the board issue for people who take pictures and video w Mavic Pro, and has nothing to do w pix4d,
but may have much to do w phantoms. Not sure.
FOCUS. things may actually be in focus on mavic pro. a raw file will be absolutely, but strangely with a selection of NO sharpening a jpg will have a few all the way to Many blurry parts. According to the internet, the selection of no sharpening on jpgs turns on some weird noise reduction function which causes jpgs and video to be soft in places. This has definitely affected pix4d models.
Question is, if i had at least a “1” selected for jpg sharpening in DJI go app 4. would Pix4d mapper keep that setting ? i am on iOS iPhone.
(and of course everyone is looking for the questions above in various posts)
cheers !
happy to send you a few examples. if pix4d has no problem keeping sharpening settings from dji go, then disregard.
if it does, then please note this as important and real problem ! thank you ! excited to see if i should grab a phantom 4 pro or not !!
EDIT from Pix4D Support : To keep the topic readable, we have merged your 4 answers into this one. Thank you for your understanding.