Blurry Images with Phantom 4 Pro (P4P)

Yesterday and the day before I carried out several drone flights with a phantom 4 pro and i constantly received blurry images. I am using an android tablet with the latest software version of the capture app. I tried different settings in the DJI Go app, but nothing really worked. First I thought I was too stupid to set the focus on Autofocus in the DJI Go app, but when I read all the comments of other users, I am probably not. Please provide me with a feasable solution.

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Hi Andreas,

I confirm that there is an issue in the latest version of the Android app in the combination with the DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone and that the images are blurry when performing the automated mission.

It is one of our top priorities to resolve this and our developers are already working on it.

Latest updates will be published here: DJI P4 Pro and Focus/Camera settings


I am have this same problem also. P4 Pro v1 with iPad Pro. It is hit or miss whether or not the images will be in focus. I have had my P4 Pro for nearly two years and have not had any issues until the past month or so. I don’t know what changed. But I just flew a big project and had problems with the first flight. 100 acres which required 4 batteries. The images from the first flight were blurry. The other three flights were ok. This caused a significant decrease in accuracy in the area covered by the first flight. Until Pix4D can resolve this issue I will use Drone Deploy. My projects are highly active construction projects. I don’t get the luxury of a redo.