Trouble getting flight logs from my Phantom 4 Pro

Hi everyone,

We have recently accuired a Mapir Survey 2 RED + NIR camera. This camera takes pictures without geotagging them. In order to geotag them I wanted to match the images to the flight log using Geosetter. I have extracted the FlightLog from the Pix4Dcapture (iOS) app, however this flight log does not seem to open in the Mission Planner software. The log file is full of this error message: “Error loading the user tile provider from tileProvider.json, error : The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format”. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

Afterwards I decided to try using the flight log in CSV format from the project folder. However, the time recorded in this CSV seems to be in a strange format. An example of a timestamp is: “1519364582.04753” with the next one being “1519364582.14873”. The fractional-part of the number seems to refer to fractions of a second, but I can’t seem to figure out the rest of it. Does anyone know what these timestamps mean?

Thank you very much in advance!

Hi Lars,

For each mission, you can find the recorded GPS coordinates of the drone here:
…\Projects\Project 00001\Mission00001\flightLog.csv

Coordinates should be stored as (Lat., Long., Alt.) in WGS 84 (egm96).

Hi Julie,

Thank you. I did find that file and the coordinates work fine, I was just wondering about the format of the time column in the file. Having the timestamp corresponding to each coordinate would allow me to match my images to the coordinates. 

Sorry, I misread. It is Unix Timestamp in seconds: