Is there a way to sync flight data from the Pix4D Capture app so it can be included with Air Data UAV flight log management?
I can do this with a handful of other apps but cannot see how to do this with the Pix4D capture app.
Is there a way to sync flight data from the Pix4D Capture app so it can be included with Air Data UAV flight log management?
I can do this with a handful of other apps but cannot see how to do this with the Pix4D capture app.
We do not have the knowledge to answer the question, but perhaps Pix4D users will be able to provide some hints.
For more information on how to access the Pix4D files of Pix4Dcapture, check this article as a start:
You can find the log files and also other data. For instance on iOS, the recorded GPS coordinates of the drone is here:
…\Projects\Project 00001\Mission00001\flightLog.csv
Hope it helps!
This has been requested to AirData UAV 4-5 months ago…doesn’t have anything to do with Pix4D actually since they already have the CSV flight log just waiting for them to import.
@Frederic (at AirData) said they are testing the latest version of Pix4DCapture logs using Android (probably early this week). Hopefully they have something working in the near future?