Pix4D flights in DJI GO 4 logs

Hi I use Airdata UAV to manage my flight logs in line with my opps manual this requires uploading the flight logs from the below location on my tablet;

Internal shared storage\DJI\com.pix4d.plugindji\FlightRecord

full details are outlined in this how to. Pix4D flight log upload instructions

Previously this has worked fine, but I have noticed that missions completed using Pix4Dcapture are no longer logged to this file path. Any idea why this is happening and any thoughts on how to rectify this?

UAV - DJI Phantom 4 pro v2
Device - One+ 5T
Version - 4.10.0 (Build 3053)

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I’m having the same issue. If we could get an official statement from pix4d, it would be great, since we’re not able to manage our flight records anymore.

Having the same issue was previously able to find the log files but now the files are no longer stored in the folder. I think the folder that used to be in the DJI folder has changed name to “com…dji.industry.pliot” could it be as simple as the Pix4d App looking for the wrong folder ?

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