Hi, I tried to process thermal project in pix4D. Its getting failed in initial processing. Properties are good like images are clear; side overlap is 50, Front overlap is 70% in images. I feel its because of undulated area. If terrain is the only problem can you suggest me how to go about this.
You are right. This is happening because of the area in your project. When using the Thermal/ thermomap/ ag multispectral/ ag RGB template, Pix4D uses Alternative calibration pipeline. This pipeline assumes that the dataset does not contain oblique images, the terrain is flat and homogenous. Due to this assumption during the calibration, the images that have >35 deg orientation will not get calibrated.
Can you try the standard calibration method and let me know if you are able to process?
Hi Momtanu. we tried doing this but the processing failed again. We again got the camera optimization error with keypoints not getting matched.
Like we mentioned, the problem seems to be that the Area of Interest is heavily undulated. Can you please help us with this issue? Will you be able to help us if we sent the dataset to you as we need to send reports to the client soon?
If the area is too much undulated, the project might fail if the height difference between the higher and lower point is twice or higher (if the highest GSD exceeds twice the lowest GSD). Do you think that is the case? We suggest a different flight plan for that: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/204656209-Image-acquisition-plan-for-terrain-with-height-variations. You can send us a support ticket, upload the images in Pix4D cloud and send us the link. We can have a look at it.