Processing Thermal Imagery from XT2


I have just attempted my first flight using the XT2 camera. I have flown a small area (approx. 100x60m) at 50m flying height, with a 90/90% overlap, all at 2m/s.

I have created a new job and added only the radiometric jpegs, which converted to tiff files. I have chosen the thermal camera template. 

When I commence the initial processing, it quickly runs through and comes up with “Error e0046: Processing failed. No calibrated cameras”

I have changed the calibration method to standard, and the same problem.

The area I flew over was quite flat and featureless other than a few shipping containers and some parked trucks.

Could anyone suggest where I may be going wrong?

Many Thanks.

Hi Mitchell,

How many images do you have?
I would also set the image scale on 2, Standard for the calibration is a good option and I would set the internal camera optimization on “All Prior”

How is defined your XT2 camera?
There is often a mistake in the Pixel Size. From the EXIF it is read as 91.9118. Whereas it should be 17:
When your images have been uploaded, open the camera edition window and make sure that the pixel size is 17. 


Then save and close your project.

Before starting the process, to close the project and open the .p4d file with a text editor such as NotePad ++ and below the <tangentialT2>and above the <cameraModelSource> lines, add the following line
<pixelValue pixelType="uint16" min="-1" max="-1"/>

Then open your project again and choose the Thermal Camera Template for processing.
I would suggest you to also sete the Internal Parameters Optimization on “All Prior”.

This should help to achieve your thermal processing on the Desktop version.

I suggest you to read our documentation on this topic:
If you also get any troubles on RGB processing, I recommend you to use our Troubleshooter:

Hope this will help.

Dear Marco,

First of all, I would like to thank your answer from the thread above. However, I tried to implement all your suggestions but I have similar problems processing my XT2 imagery.

Let me describe the image capture and settings (with screenshot images shared through Google Drive):

  • I fly a DJI Matrice 210 with a Zenmuse XT2 radiometric camera.
  • The camera resolution is low (336 x 256 pixels) and has a 9 mm lens
  • I fly around 50-60 meters A.G.L. with relatively high front and side overlap (80-90%) and reduced speed.
  • I know that this low resolution camera not so good for mapping but I have successfully processed its datasets for Study area 1 in Pix4D (see the results below):
    Study area 1 - Aerial grid
    Study area 1 - Thermal mosaic

Two days after this survey I also did a flight for thermal mapping at a different Study area 2 but I have some problems with its processing. My processing steps are the following:

  • I changed the pixel size of the camera model to 17 as you suggested.
  • I modified the code of the project file as you suggested:
    Edited code of project file
  • I wanted to set up ‘2 (Double image size)’ type Image scale, ‘Aerial Grid or Corridor’ type Matching, and ‘Standard’ type of Calibration method with ‘All prior’ type of Internal Parameters Optimization’.
  • You also suggested the following: 'Then open your project again and choose the Thermal Camera Template for processing. I would suggest you to also set the Internal Parameters Optimization on “All Prior”. However, when I switch on the Thermal Camera Template then it switch back the Image scale, Matching and Calibration and Internal Parameters Optimizions option to the basic settings.
  • Anyway, I used again your settings. I performed the processing the problem is that only 15 of 752 cameras are calibrated.

Here you can find the Processing report and log files.
Study_area_01_report.pdf (1.5 MB)
LOG file shared through Google Drive

What is interesting for me is that the in the two project both normalized and thumbnail imagery had big differences regarding quality:

What could be the reason for it?

Also another issue that could be a reason for the problems as well that the XT2 skipped to capture few images. I guess it became overheated and skipped the expositions until it had cooled back:
Skipped images of XT2

However, I know that this could affect the calibration/alignment of imagery but I was curious how it works in Agisoft Metashape. Finally, Metashape was able to align these imagery despite the fact that imagery are missing from the paths. I was also able to add the GCPs as well:
Alignment in Metashape

After all lf this, do you have any idea how can we solve this issue? I would to process these datasets in Pix4D for sure.

Looking forward to your reply.

With kind regards,
Dr. László Bertalan
University of Debrecen, Hungary

Hello Dr. Bertalan,

Thank you for such a detailed explanation. Can we have access to your raw images for study area 2 and also study area 1? I would like to try processing area 2 and also see how different were the raw images in both the projects (like if there was any motion blur etc). The normalised images you attached indeeed looks very different.

Dear @momtanu.chakraborty,

Thank you for checking the issues.
Here you can find the imagery for both study areas:
Google Drive link

Hello Dr. Bertalan,

We wanted to let you know we are still looking at it and trying to troubleshoot, you will hear from us very soon.

Dr. Bertalan, Pix4Dmapper desktop uses a FLIR SDK which uses the radiometric information of the metadata, converts the rjpeg (which is actually jpeg+radiometric information)into tif and uses them for processing. If you see the converted folder of the second flight, you will see it looks very weird and the range is from 147-150 degree. Due to this Pix4D could not find any keypoints. We think there could be an issue with some exif tags that are used during the conversion, for example the tags like emissivity, the values could be wrong. Can you check with FLIR about this second dataset? Pix4Dcloud does not use that SDK, do no converted tif images due to which it is able to process. However, in Cloud, the default template is 3D maps and unless you upload from Pix4D desktop by changing the template/processing options, you will need to use the 3D maps template. This is link from my cloud processing: PIX4Dcloud, thermal template would do a great job here but alas the options cannot be changed.

Nice explanation.

Could you also clarify the configuration for XT2 with 19mm lense?

Thanks in advance and best regards!

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The parameters that Pix4D reads from the EXIF are correct for XT2, except for the pixel size. You need to check that for the thermal camera the pixel size is 17 micron. If not, you will need to edit the value in the image properties editor.