Select Coordinate System When Import Las


When I import las for new project , error displayed.

Imported Las file is Edited by TREND-POINT (The most famous Point-Cloud Editing Tool in Japan.)

I know Pix4Dsurcey need coordinate system information in las file.
But I don’t know how to write coordinate system information into las file.

I want to select coordinate system when import las file.

Best regards.
Seiichi Takayama.

You can use lastools - las2las to give coordinates to your point cloud

C:\LAStoolfolder\las2las.exe -i C:\pathToPointcloud\pointcloud.las -epsg 25830
Use the epsg code of your desired coordinate system


Dear Jaakko_Laihola

Thank you your quick reply.
I try to use lastools (
And I can import lasfile. Thank you.

I expect to improve Pix4Dsurvey open function more easy , in future.

Best regards.
Seiichi Takayama

Hi @seiichi_takayama,
I forwarded your request to the product team. Thanks a lot for the feedback.

Hi @Jaakko_Laihola,
Thanks for the help. Very much appreciated.


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