Exporting Point Cloud into older las format

Is it possible to export the point cloud in a different .las format version (i.e. las 1.2)?

Hi @jpilartescongo,

You cannot export the point cloud in a different .las format version but you can convert the pointcloud to any version you want by using/downloading Lastools and run the command below:

  • path_to_the_lastools\LAStools\bin\las2las.exe -i path_to_the_point_cloud\pointcloud_name.las -epsg 3763 -set_version 1.2 -o path_where_pointcloud_should_be_saved\new_pointcloud_name12.las

  • las2las.exe is the program you wish to run

  • pointcloud_name.las is the file you act upon

  • -set_version 1.2 is the command option for changing the version

  • -o new_pointcloud_name12.las indicates that you wish to create a new output file with the name mentioned

Let me know if this does not work.
