I am trying to import a “.las” file into pix4d but I am getting the following error. “Load point cloud failed with error " Version minor out of range” (Failed!).
Is there any fix for this error ?
I am trying to import a “.las” file into pix4d but I am getting the following error. “Load point cloud failed with error " Version minor out of range” (Failed!).
Is there any fix for this error ?
Hey Kathrin,
Do you have the ability to export the point cloud as a LAZ file before importing it into Pix4Dmapper? If so, try this format and see if you get the same error. For more information about external point clouds, you can check this article https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202560049-How-to-import-a-Point-Cloud-delivered-by-an-External-Source-into-Pix4Dmapper
I tried the .laz format and I am still having the same error, can you please recommend a valid solution.
Dear Kathryn,
This error might be connected to the fact that you are using a different coordinate system. I would also try opening it in CloudCompare and see if it works.
I think I am using the correct projections for my project and the point cloud, I logged into my pix4d cloud account and uploaded the .LAS file and it opened fine ( see attached picture). I don’t know why this isn’t working?
Hello again,
How big is the point cloud? Was it possible to open it in CloudCompare (http://www.danielgm.net/cc/release/)? It would be relevant to know this, because we are not sure if this is related to the dataset or the software itself.
Hello & good day,
It appears I’m having the same issues as Ms. Vonachen.
I’ve followed the above advice as much as possible & continue to get this error.
What I’ve checked/tried when “Importing Point Cloud for DSM Generation”:
Hi Jason,
May I ask what can of error are you getting? Can you share the log file with me?
I am also having the same issue as other people here. Coordinate systems are the same, I’m using a LAZ file, and the point cloud opens just fine using CloudCompare. It continually gives me an error saying “failed with error (version minor out of range)!”
[2021.12.01 13:03:32][ 37%RAM][ 34%CPU][Processing]: Load point cloud
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 39%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: Load point cloud: mean = 447456 4.47569e+06 2442.
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 39%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: Load point cloud: range = [447086, 447612] x [4.47541e+06, 4.47598e+06] x [2369.29, 2475.36].
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 39%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: Load point cloud: workspace = {x = [44704123187, 44764669789], y = [-447600271323, -447538391551], res = 3423, pixels = 17688 x 18077}.
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 37%RAM][ 29%CPU][Error]: Load point cloud failed!
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 37%RAM][ 29%CPU][Error]: >>>Load point cloud<<< failed with error (version minor out of range)!
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 37%RAM][ 29%CPU][Error]: >>>Load point cloud<<< failed with error (version minor out of range)!
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 37%RAM][ 29%CPU][Processing]: Substep Ortho load pcl finished.
[2021.12.01 13:03:33][ 37%RAM][ 29%CPU][Info]: OS Power Save: Enable
Problem resolved. It was an issue of the LAZ file needing to be downgraded before Pix4Dmapper would work with it.
Hi @jwtune,
I am glad your issue is resolved and thanks for letting us know! This is really helpful!
Hello again!
It appears I solved this last year, and then have stumbled onto the same issue today.
Attached is the log file from our current project.
220563 34436(04) US-169 Tulsa County Ortho.log (761.0 KB)
Hi @Jason_Scott ,
May I ask if you are importing a las file to to generate the DSM, orthomosaic, and other outputs after processing step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index or you are interested in displaying an external point cloud for visualization purposes only?
Have you processed steps 1 and 2? Is the coordinate system of the project the same as the coordinate system of the imported las file?