I get the error: “Project is too big to Zip” when I try to download my processed project from the cloud to begin working through it on Pix4D Desktop. I didn’t know this was a thing, the cloud has been a great way to do preliminary processing for other projects before I bring them down to desktop to apply GCPs and do other editing. Is there a workaround to this or do I just need to process on the desktop? Would have been nice to know this earlier as I had a lot of time to get something started on the desktop, but I do not have the time anymore.
Hello John!
In response to this error, this happens because the file size of your project might exceed 50 GB. Indeed to process on the Cloud, it’s better to have small to medium-sized projects (sub-1000 images); you could split yours among several projects, for example.
Please note also that the Pix4D Cloud fair usage agreement states that users are encouraged to process no more than 2500 images in a month.