Hi All

I have a project which I have had to process on my machine as the images needed the large frame add on to process.

The outputs on the TIFF image are 49gb !! Therefor I cannot upload to pix4d cloud as it has a max upload size of pre processed jobs of around 10gb. I dont really want to reduce the image quality so has anyone got any ideas on how I can get this uploaded??

Appreciate any help.



Hi Mat,

You should be able to upload if the GeoTIFF is 50GB.
Feel free to check: Inputs - PIX4Dcloud

  • DSM: one single GeoTIFF file supported, 50 GB maximum
  • Index: one single GeoTIFF file supported, 50 GB maximum
  • Point Cloud: one single LAS or LAZ file supported.
  • 3D Textured Mesh: one single OBJ+MTL+JPG set of files supported
    • OBJ: Maximum 1 GB.
    • JPG: Maximum 16k x 16k.

May I ask where did you see pix4d cloud as it has a max upload size of pre processed jobs of around 10gb ?

Was there a warning message in PIX4Dmatic or PIX4Dcloud? If yes, could you share a screenshot with us to troubleshoot or the project ID (if you do not mind)?

Best regards,
Rosana (she/her)

Thanks Rosana

I know it doesn’t help for right now, but I wanted to mention that we’re looking at having better exchange formats between desktop and cloud, which should hopefully alleviate this limit later this year.