Pix4Dmapper Capture 3DR Solo Support

Is there any plans to support the 3DR Solo drone with the Pix4Dmapper Capture app?


Yes are planning to support the Solo and other 3DR drones with our App. However, it will take some time. We are currently working on supporting DJI drones: Phantom 3 and Inspire 1.

As soon as it is ready, it will be announced in:



Do you have a mile stone for pix4d mapper app for solo 3dr will be ok. cause I 'm waitting for this app and for my camera séquoia …it’s very long ! !

Hi all,

The 3DR Solo is now compatible with Pix4Dcapture on Android!
Please see the release notes here: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/210447423
And also our recommendations to start using the app: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557269

We are looking forward to reading your feedback!


Hi there, any idea if the iOS platform compatibility will be released soon for Solo? Thanks

Hi Donny,

It will come but not soon meaning probably later than September.
Rest assured that supporting 3DR Solo on iOS is in our pipeline.


Are there plans to support other cameras on the Solo other than a GoPro?? Such as a Sony QX1, etc?? 


Hi Kevin,

It is not in our pipeline to support 3DR Solo with other cameras than the GoPro at the moment.


Hello support!

Are you going to add 3DR Solo to Capture for iOS?

Thank you in advance!

Hello support!

Are you going to add 3DR Solo to Capture for iOS?

Would be great if you could, as you already support this aircraft with your Android version.

Thank you in advance!

Hi Scott,

Actually, no SDK (what allows the communication between the app and the drone’s firmware) is not available on iOS (and it is not in 3DR pipeline to have it) so only Android users are able to fly the Solo using our app.


Thank you for the reply. I was afraid that would be the answer. That is to bad.

Will you continue to work on and support the Solo in your Android version?

Thanks again!

At the moment, supporting the 3DR Solo with the Android version is still in our pipeline.
We planned to continue.


Excellent news. Thank you!

Hi, We have just tried using the correct version of Pix4D for the Solo (ie/ not the latest). I understand that it may not be possible sychronize the photo files after the flight and I am happy to copy them from the memory card.

However, there is no .p4d file created on the Samsung Tablet. Without this file there is no point in using Pix4D Capture !

Can you please explain how we can get the .pd4 file for this flight ?

There was a .gpx file and a .log fil on the device, as well as two .json files.



I am seeing some conflicting information in regards to Pix4d Capture support 3DR Solo. Is that drone supported by the app? I am looking at getting a new Parrot multispectral camera, but have to get a new drone that is compatible with Pix4d.


The 3DR Solo drone is not supported in Pix4Dcapture any more.
