I have a new discovery that is related to this thread, but perhaps expands its scope. I just tried the new iOS version of PIX4D Capture that now supports the Phantom 4 Pro V2. As usual, it still forces the camera into JPEG mode. I have found also that it now overrides all exposure settings and forces the camera into a mode of P4D’s choosing. For a recent 175’ flight test with a P4Pv2 it set the camera to ISO 100, f/5.0 fixed, and variable shutter speed (on my test flight on a sunny day it varied from 1/320 to 1/500).
I tried various methods to try to circumvent this and control the camera settings. I launched P4D Capture, went though the steps that loads the flight plan and camera settings to the drone, and then tried to start DJI Go 4 to reset the camera settings (which I could do). The problem is that PIX4D detects the temporary loss of drone communications and even though I shut down DJI Go 4 PIX4D will not continue to launch the flight until it again sets the camera. Seems like someone thought though this “hack” and intentionally remote the software to block it.
I think we need to expand the RAW versus JPEG debate to a more general request - simply allow experienced users that choose to assume the risks to control the camera settings themselves. There seems to be a simple solution. Note that in the planning phase PIX4D Capture allows you to “ignore home posiiton”. This is a toggle. Simple add another toggle that says “do not override existing camera settings”. This would default to off, but could be enabled by the advanced pilot. To make use of this you could start the flight with DJI Go 4, capture a precise home point (precision launch option), take off, set camera settings as desired, then terminate DJI Go 4 app and launch the mission from PIX4D Capture. Note that this is not an uncommon workflow - I often have a set of PIX4D missions that overlap (nadir, grid, POI) and can be completed on one flight/battery. I simply pause and exit each mission as they complete but before full RTH, then load and launch the next mission. This works fine. Starting the flight with DJI Go is useful for setting precision RTH, setting camera settings including optimal manual settings, fixed white balance, RAW versus JPEG, and also for verifying heights of potential obstacles BEFORE flying the P4D Capture pattern(s).
Comments from others encouraged.
Moderator - please pass this on to developers along with the comments above of why RAW is both useful, and does not require RAW file “support” (i.e processing of raw images) from Mapper. Anyone here that uses the above flight workflow will like be batch preparing their images in Lightroom and feeding Mapper it’s usual diet of JPEGS - they will just be better JPEGS.