Hi guys, I cant get my phontom 3 standard to connect to Pix4d. I get an error stating that “the DJI SDK must download a database before connecting. This may take some time”. After clicking ok, no download begins and there are no hints as to where to find this database.
I have CTRL +DJI installed.
The drone connects fine to DJI go and can fly.
Any ideas?
The behavior you are describing is new to us and has not been recently reported to us by other users. So, I would suggest you go through all the basic checks and troubleshooting steps as it will solve most of the issues that can be encountered if properly followed.
Pix4D is currently working on the next generation of PIX4Dcapture, which will be based on the current PIX4Dscan. PIX4Dscan has missions for mapping, 3D modeling, and inspection use cases. It is supported on Android and iOS devices. Download PIX4Dscan on the App Store & PIX4Dscan on Google Play
In case the issue is not solved, I would also recommend you to go through our support article on Which image acquisition app can I use with Pix4D’s software?.
I am having the same problem described above with my phantom4prov2…
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the apps but nothing is happening… It shows me again the some problem.
Any help please!!!
I am using redmi note pro 8 with 11rp1a Android version.
Hello there, We’re excited to introduce our new flight app, PIX4Dcapture Pro, which is the evolution of PIX4Dscan and PIX4Dcapture. Find out more information here. I recommend trying the new app and seeing if the behavior is the same.
I tried pix4d capture pro app but it is shutting down immediately after launching it.
I don’t know why.
Ps : it doesn’t ask for ctrl dji app
Hello @steliossiontas, The PIX4Dcapture Pro app doesn’t need you to use Ctrl+ DJI. I recommend closing all the apps such as Ctrl+ dji, and PIX4Dcapture and then only try loading the PIX4Dcatpure Pro app.
Thank you for your answer.
I uninstalled the apps and installed only the pix4pro…
After launching the app it is shutting down…
Is there any problem with the version of the Android?
Με εκτίμηση/Best regards
Στυλιανός Ζ. Σιόντας Stylianos Z. Siontas
Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός ΕΜΠ / Mechanical Engineer NTUA
tel:0030 6987745620
Hello @steliossiontas, Can you let me know the below information?
- Drone
- Camera
- Android version
- PIX4Dcapture Pro version? If you are using 1.0, we released a new version yesterday; recommend using 1.1
- Send us the log file. https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/8946230285213-Send-all-logs-PIX4Dcapture-Pro
1.Drone phantom 4pro v2
3.see picture installed
5.see video
I don’t think that there is a problem with the drone while it is working fine with the dji go app.
It used to work also with the pix4dcapture and dji ctrl but suddenly that’s stopped. I guess that it is an Android new version issue or from the apps.
Thank you!!
(Attachment Screenrecorder-2023-06-07-17-37-00-182.mp4 is missing)
I was trying to send you a screen video that showt how the app crashing but I can’t. I can not even open the pix4d pro… It crashed when I launched it.
Με εκτίμηση/Best regards
Στυλιανός Ζ. Σιόντας Stylianos Z. Siontas
Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός ΕΜΠ / Mechanical Engineer NTUA
tel:0030 6987745620
Hello @steliossiontas, Can you upload the video in the link below.
Hello @steliossiontas, It seems like an issue with some permissions from what we found on Crashlytics. Would it be possible for you to grant Bluetooth permissions to the app?
It can be done from the phone’s settings or by uninstalling and installing the app again and accepting the permissions.
wha do you mean?
The bluetooth is on as you can see from the photo above.

Hello, hopefully I solved the problem.
As you said was something with the Bluetooth. I bought a smart watch lately and because I have it with the Bluetooth connection, the pix4d app for some reason crused.
I used the pic4dcapture pro for first time, and I noticed that the estimated time was a little bit wrong for about 2-3 minutes.
Is something that I can do for this?
Με εκτίμηση/Best regards
Στυλιανός Ζ. Σιόντας Stylianos Z. Siontas
Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός ΕΜΠ / Mechanical Engineer NTUA
tel:0030 6987745620