Pix4D Capture with M100


I took a test today with the Pix4DCapture software and the Drone M100 with the Zenmuse X3 camera in Circular Mission mode. Curiously, the photos were captured outside the circle and not internally, that is, for the target.

What could have happened? I have not seen a function to invert the capture of these photos.

thank you,


Hi Werneck,

Thank you for trying Pix4Dcapture.

This is indeed quite strange and not expected as the pictures should target the point of interest (POI) in the center of the flight. The drone translates to always face the POI. This point should be defined in DJI GO. The camera angle is set to focus on the ground. In other words, the camera angle is closer to vertical when the flight altitude is higher.

We also recommend to read this article to troubleshoot app issues and proceed with basic checks:

Let us know how it goes.

Oi Julie,


Estou enviando estas fotos com o resultado da captura que eu informei! Não entendi como definir o alvo no DJI GO. A Pix4D Capture não deveria ter esse recurso? Você poderia explicar como proceder com este tipo de pesquisa?




Hi Julie,


I am sending these photos with the result of the capture that I informed you! I did not understand how to set the target on the DJI GO. Should Pix4D Capture not have this feature? Could you explain how to proceed with this type of survey?

thank you,



After checking with our app developers, there is bug for P4, P4P and M100 drones. It is exactly what the screenshots display. It will be fixed in the coming iOS released (by the end of this week). Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.


Ok Julie!

Nice to understand the problem, but none of Pix4D users complained about this problem?

thank you,



Another user actually, plus our iOS tester :).

Hello julie

Pix4D Capture’s orbit function did not work … As shown in the attached Picture
, it was in the camera configuration! I did a test with the 3D mapping function and it worked normally! I think the program was looped trying to confuse the angle of the camera! I tried it for 3 times and nothing happened!

I’m waiting for your return!

thank you,


Hi Werneck,

Probably the camera was not ready soon enough before the mission is complete.
I would suggest this article: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/217985263

Restarting from scratch should help if you made sure everything is up to date.

Hi Julie,


I did this procedure to shut down all the system, Drone and Radio, but the problem persisted!

In 3D Mapping did not happen and the flight was successful.

Please ask developers to check the Camera Setting up function.

I did a test with another application (DJI GS PRO), which is paid, worked correctly, but I really like Pix4D Capture and it would be interesting if this ORBIT function works correctly, even if we have to pay a fair value for the maintenance of this excellent system .

thank you,


Good afternoon Julie,


Did you find out from the developers of Pix4DCapture the problem that occurred?


thank you,



Hi Werneck,

Thank you for the very nice feedback!

The camera can take some time to be ready. To solve this, we recommend to restart the mission over to refresh the status of the takeoff checklist and force the reset of the camera.

As it seems to be longer than expected, it would be helpful for us to see the log files (how to extract). You can upload them here:

Hi, Julie! All right?


I could not read the Pix4D Capture log files on my Ipad 4 mini by itunes.

I think this function to identify the Camera has looped and does not complete the execution.

I did all the procedures, but unfortunately I could not test this function of the software.




Hi Werneck,

After re-booting everything (app, controller, drone), does it work or are you able to take off and start the mission?
Next time you give it a try, please send us the log files so that we investigate further.

Hi Julie,

I made this procedure several times, and the application does not recognize the camera!

I updated my itunes and even then, I can not identify the logs.

Ps .: I remember that the mission did not start, getting forward to setting the camera!

See attached photo of Itunes:




I believe you need to scroll down the iTunes window to see the Pix4Dcapture.
For more help, I would recommend this article.