pix4d capture with dji phantom 3 adv don't work correctly

Hello. I have a problem. After the setting of the grid mission, the load and the start procedures work corretly but the phantom 3 advanced remains in waiting in holdering position. The previous checklist is ok, the mission starts correctly but the phantom 3 advanced don’t make nothing. Can you help me?

I’ve seen the same this morning.

Started, at the planned height my p3A was in hovering without doing nothing.

And the icon in the lower right corner was ‘start’ again, like if something has reset. I’ve swithced to P mode and landed without problems.

Reloaded the plan and had a regular flight but in the last leg of the flight plan my P3A has stopped capturing images. I had to find 36 images but i’ve found only 23. And flight plan ended corredtly with perfect auto-landing.

Hi Paolo and Roby,

We have just released a new version of Pix4Dcapture on Android (2.1.1).
Here are the release notes: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/208084986
Getting starting procedure: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557269

Let us know how this goes if you have some time to give it a try.

Please share your experience under this forum post: https://community.pix4d.com/t/5250

Best regards,

Am using P3A with IOS, 

am having trouble using the grid mission option, i followed all the procedures and checklist is ok but sometimes when i touch on the “take off button” on the screen the drone doesn’t take off and if it does, it will stay in that position or follow a different path but not going to the starting point of the mission!!


and the camera is always at 0 degrees even though i set it to 90.

If it is ok can u please send a copy of you response to this email: capstoneproj22@gmail.com  


Which firmware have you installed on the drone? We are aware of some issues with the latest firmware of DJI.

Note that we have just released a new official iOS version of Pix4Dcapture (1.2.2).
These are the release notes: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/209955403

Our developers have added some features and fixed several bugs.
If you wish and have time to give it a try, we would be glad to read your feedback.
