Phantom 4 Multispectral

Tried to follow the workflow for the Parrot Sequoia to set up import my Phantom 4 multispectral images. However, the camera is not detected. I read that Pix4D is now compatible with this drone. Why is the camera not detected. The drop down menu does not give me any other cameras. If I have to create a new camera how do I know what parameters to use?

Hi, Can you make sure you have the updated firmware of the camera? The one we support is v01.16.0007 (as all the EXIF tags that we need are there for processing) and anything after that. We kindly recommend you update the firmware because in the old firmware the tags had some wrong values and also some tags were also missing which Pix4DMapper needs (CaptureUUID etc).

In the next screenshot, you can see the principal point values. In your images, they must be tagged with a very high value:

In the updated firmware, they are tagged with the correct values:

Due to this Pix4D is not able to recognize the camera in the database. You can go to the image properties editor when you are importing the images and then select the camera from the database using the dropdown by clicking on edit camera (not the rig). That should help you process the images collected with the old firmware.