Error procesamiento imagenes Parrot Sequia

No logro procesar las imágenes multiespectrales de la cámara Parrot Sequia.
Porque el icono de la Camara Nir es diferente a las otras tres?
De antemano gracias por la ayuda

Qué tal Felipe?

Con qué dron has volado? Firmware de la cámara? Versión de Pix4D?

Puedes compartir un set de 4 imágenes de las 4 diferentes bandas?

Un saludo!

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For the icons, you can have a look here (

camera.png: Camera model taken from the image EXIF data when the camera model does not exist in the internal or the user database and there is valid information in the EXIF data.
document.png: Camera model taken from the .p4d file when a .p4d file is created and its camera model does not exist in the internal or the user camera database.

Also, this camera is there as a rig in Pix4D, it seems your images are getting detected as 4 different bands. As Joan said, we would need the version of Pix4D and firmware of sequoia. Thanks for helping Joan. It is great to see one user helping another. Feel free to tag me if you need any help.

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