I have a huge issue with “Failed to write Exif!” error… I have tried with both Pix4D 4.2.26 and 4.3.6 versions without solution. It is supposed that the last one has been fixed about this bug as it is said in: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005738363).
I am using a Windows 10 PC with a I-7 processor…
Best regards! Néstor
Hello Nestor,
Could you please share the log file and the PDF quality report of the project with me? You can use any data sharing platform to send me the requested files.
Does this issue has been fiexd in your case ?
If so I am willing to learn about it as I still get this persistent error message, even more for thermal data…
I have updated pix4d up to the 4.2.7 version
Hi Thomas,
Fortunately yes. In my case this issue has been fixed… And I have the 4.2.7 version too. But I work only with RGB or MSP data, not thermal… When I updated to this version the issues simply went out.
Best regards