Error: Failed to write Exif data

Hi, I am processing a project with photos captured by a Parrot SQ in RGB mode. And I’m using the 4.1.24 version. The issue “Error: Failed to write Exif data” seems to be related to the DSM. ¿How could I solve it, or is there a previous version without this problem?

Thank you in advance!

Hi Jorge,

There are more users reporting this issue and our team of developers is looking into it. We might release a bug-fix version next week that should resolve this issue.

At the moment we recommend the following workarounds:

More information about “Failed to write EXIF” error can be found here.


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Hi Blaz,

I’m using a Windows 10 PC. In two attemps (same error in the first one) it was able to process the multispectral photos of the same flight, but it is impossible with the RGB ones. I will try on the cloud. Thanks a lot! Best regards…