I have been able to render some small orthoplanes for a building project. The output images are geotiffs with sister .prj and .tfw files:
Prj: LOCAL_CS[“Arbitrary (m)”,LOCAL_DATUM[“Arbitrary datum”],UNIT[“meter”,1.0,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9001”]]]
Tfw: 0.007100000000 / 0 / 0 / -0.007100000000 / 0.000000000000 / 8.000000000000
I am looking for recommendations for the following actions:
(1) Software / workflow recommendation for putting the orthoplane into a printable PDF document with a correct scale bar, similar to the side view in a technical drawing and CAD software.
(2) Unless point (1) uses software that can measure segment lengths and areas through a GUI, then I am also looking for recommendations for providing the client with ways to measure precise 2D lengths and surfaces directly from the orthoplane geotiff.
Many thanks for your help,