Mapping between internal and external camera rotations


I ultimately would like to get camera-to-world rotation matrices for my cameras in the NED frame but am struggling to understand the conventions used in Pix4D and how the internal and external camera parameters map to each other. I’ve read and but am still having trouble reconciling the Pix4D outputs.

For example, one of my entries in calibrated_external_camera_parameters.txt gives me omega/phi/kappa values of 91.277233, -45.714811, 0.991059. Using the equations in the second link, I derive the following rotation matrix, which I assume is in ENU frame per

[[ 6.9608e-01, -1.0111e-02, -7.1789e-01],
[-7.1796e-01, -8.7643e-03, -6.9603e-01],
[ 7.4567e-04, 9.9991e-01, -1.3360e-02]]

However, in calibrated_camera_parameters I see the following rotation matrix, which has the same values but in a different order:

[[ 6.9608e-01, -7.1796e-01, 7.4567e-04],
[ 1.0111e-02, 8.7643e-03, -9.9991e-01],
[ 7.1789e-01, 6.9603e-01, 1.3360e-02]] suggests that “it is necesary to rotate the X axis,” however it’s not clear what that entails exactly. Some more details on the equations as requested in would be extremely helpful.

Thank you!

Hi @haithem5000,

You can check what the calibrated_camera_parameters file contains at

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