Mac M1 Max

With the new M1 Max from Apple, I would like PIX4D to resurrect the MAC Eco System for PIX4D Mapper.

Hi kalcok,

Thank you for your message.
I can confirm that there will be no further release of PIX4Dmapper for macOS.

You can however try with a virtual machine (having a Windows 10 environment on your M1 Max laptop) or you could use PIX4Dmatic, which is working on macOS (Monterey is however not yet supported).

PIX4Dmatic does the same thing as PIX4D mapper just at a larger scale?
Do you know it will work in a Windows 365 virtual environment?

Thanks for your response


It does not look like PIX4DMatic for MAC is ready prime time yet.

Translated Report (Full Report Below)



From a general point of view, PIX4Dmatic is similar to PIX4Dmapper. However, there are some differences in the type and amount of features as well as the requirements for input images (PIX4Dmatic expects geolocation and orientation).
You can find much information on the FAQ page:

Regarding the Windows 365 virtual environment, we are not testing our products on this kind of infrastructure. I will leave the topic open for other people to comment on this bringing their own experience.

It looks like they don’t realize yet the capabilities of a well developed and compatible software for M1’s chip.

And I do not recommend to use any virtual environment for this kind of task.

Hi Ben_to,

Note that macOS version of PIX4Dmapper was interrupted in February 2018.

If you want to use macOS, we can suggest you use PIX4Dmatic. Note, however, that macOS Monterey is not supported yet, but we are working on it.

Thank you for understanding.

I use P4DMapper on a Windows 10 VM for all of my processing without issue. Yes you will lose a small amount of performance due to the virtualized environment. But it works very well. And I’ve processed very large projects. 11,000 42mp images.

Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to hear that everything works well. Which mac hardware are you using?