Log house in Kuusamo, Finland

Here’s my first big scale 3D-model:

My cousin’s log house here in Kuusamo, Finland


Images taken with:

Aerial - Phantom 4 Pro, total of 185 pictures including nadir and oblique images

Ground level - EOS 6D with Tamron 24-70 2.8 - House, 289 pictures - Carport 151 pictures

No GPS’s were used. Total of 55 manual tie point were used in this project.

That snow was pain in the a** but I think the model turned out to be OK. Nothing a few surfaces couldn’t fix, right?






Good job! I’m stunned by how well the model looks, considering there is snow all over the place! As you say, it’s not the most pleasant terrain to work with…

Have you used the merging procedure? If yes, how many subprojects did you create? In any case, cool example of using terrestrial and aerial images in a single project. 

Ps: I think I found the Christmas tree in the carport :D 

3 sub projects were merged together. Aerial, House and Carport were merged after step 1.

6 common manual tie points were used in each sub project. After merge I added a few more, re-optimized the project and the images aligned nicely. (Only 1 image was not calibrated, which was a blurry image due to focus issue)


Very Nice Job. Well done

Very nice, Jaakko! How many rounds did you fly with oblique angle and what were the flying heights? And what angle from nadir upwards did you use with each height?

In Finnish: Terveiset täältä Kuopiosta. Samat “lumiongelmat” mallinnuksessa ne on täälläkin. :smiley:

Kari N

1 Like

Hi Kari

Double nadir grid and the height was 30m. GS Pro was used to planning the flight. All the nadir images were taken manually with DJI Go app.

In Finnish: Haasteita tuo lumi tosiaan tuo :smiley: Eli tuossa projektissa lentelin vaan pari kohtisuoraa reittiä koko tontin alueella. Vinokuvat otin kaikki manuaalisesti ja tein silleen, että tuossa talon terassin kohdalla laskeuduin tuolta lentokorkeudelta melkeen maanpintaan asti ja koko ajan muuttelin tuota kamerakulmaa. Sama homma autokatoksen kohdalla. Noista kuvista löytyi sitten helposti yhteiset “sidontapisteet” noille järkkärin kuville. Takapihalta nuo yhteiset pisteet löytyi hyvin räystäskourujen päistä. Heitähän vaikka sähköpostia, jos haluat joksus raatailla lisää. Mukava välillä kirjottaa suomeksikin näistä hommista. etunimi sukunimi ät gmail.com


Thanks for this information, Jaakko. Very interesting!

FIN: Totta kai lähetän sulle sähköpostia, kunhan tänään vielä ehdin. Hyvin mielenkiintoista!