Import photos to the computer


I have been using Pix4Dcapture together with my drone DJI Phantom 4 ver 2.0 and an iPad. I have a problem when I take more than 999 photos in one project. I don’t know how I should do to get access to all photos. When I import the photos through iTunes it seems like I just can download the whole folder called Pix4Dcapture and then I only get 999 images.

When I check the Project list in the app it says I have downloaded all images, which is more than 999, but I can’t figure out how I could get them.

Could you someone help me how I should do?

Regards Mikael

Hi Mickael,

Welcome on our community!
You always have the possibility to get the images straight from the drone SD card if necessary.

You should be able to access all the images from the mobile device once downloaded on it. However, when images are recorded by DJI drones, a new folder is created to store them every 999 images. Then the images can be separated in several folders.
