Images not calibrated or what?

Good day.
I am using a Mavic 3E without RTK connection. Using REDcatch to georeference images before pulling them into Pix4d. Every so often I get some images that doesn’t calibrate correctly, this is only on a small portion and mainly grass paddocks with some trees. Please see images below.

I am flying at 104m above ground with terrain follow at 11m/s.
On this flight the wind speed was about 5m/s. The other 200Ha’s images calibrated very well.

I raised this problem with REDcatch and they could find fault on their georeferencing.

Maybe someone else have the same issue?

Kind regards

@johan.vanderwesthuizen I raised this problem with REDcatch and they could find fault on their georeferencing. → did REDcatch give you some details on what the cause of the issue is on their end?

Good day Rhéa.
Thanx for your reply. I will forward you the mail when I am back in the office on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Hi Rhea.
Apologies. It should have read, they couldn’t find fault on their georeferencing. I send them the raw data, they processed in REDtoolbox and the results opened in three different programs without the step as you can see above.

Kind regards

Hi Johan, no worries, and understood. Since you captured images with RTK geotags and if you are confident with the image’s geolocation, you could process your project with the trusted location and orientation pipeline:

This will ensure PIX4Dmatic really trusts the initial camera positions and does not move them too much during calibration. Let me know how it goes and if necessary, feel free to share your quality report.

And out of curiosity, which were the three different programs they used?


Hi Rhea.
I tried your pipeline with my latest flight on Wednesday and it came out very well. I will continue to use it in future. Will test it on our previous projects that had the step as well and see if it fixes the step.

They said they ran it in Metashape, 3D Zephir and 3D Survey and all gave good accurate results.

Thanx for your assistance. I believe I am sorted now.

Kind regards

Ok great, thanks for the update!