GCP sobre modelo

Buenas tardes,

Quisiera tener información sobre como solucionar que los GCP queden sobre el modelo, ya que me es imposible demarcarlos ya que no marcan ninguna foto.
Adjunto imagen

Alguien podría ayudarme con este mismo problema. intento realizar lo de la pagina pero no se modifica en nada los GCP

Hello @nibaceta, The issue is due to the vertical shift between the image geotags information and the Ground Control Points. This is caused due to the inaccuracy of the geotags of the images. In most cases, this is related to drones GPS system where the vertical coordinate can be off by several meters and can reach an error of 100 meters. Note that this is just an offset meaning that within the model, the accuracy is not affected.

In this case, you might not be able to mark the GCPs using the rayCloud because no image will be available for marking. So, I would recommend you to use the Basic GCP/MTP Editor to mark the GCPs. To do so, follow the steps explained in our support article, How to add / import GCPs in the Basic GCP/MTP Editor.

Note: You can mark 3-4 GCPs using Basic GCP/MTP Editor. After that, you can reoptimize your project. Then you will be able to mark more images using the rayCloud.

Thank you for your support.
i will try to do your solution and i tell you what happen.
I try to do the different methods that say in community page about the vertical shift between the model and the GCP.
The method A and C. For the method A the pixel change from 4 to 20 cm/px.
And the method C show the same problem about de vertical difference, the photos doesn’t change de altitud in spit of i change the altitud in the EXIF file.
If you could help me to process i would appreciate.

Thank you.

Hello @nibaceta, Try the method that I have recommended and let me know if that doesn’t solve your issue.