Fort Barraux 3D mapped by Escadrone

Hi everyone,

Today, our featured project brings us to Fort Barraux, in the French Alps:

Sketchfab link

The project in the words of its creator:

The goal of this project was to demonstrate our products and Pix4D software. We offer to the Fort Barraux association to map the castle, we wanted to show how large could be a mapping with a multirotor drone.

We used an Escadrone drone with a 28MP Samsung NX500 camera, we mapped 9 hectares, capturing 832 photos, then processed them with Pix4Dmapper, using a desktop device.

At Escadrone, we supply drones for professional use, and we also provide professional training.” Nicolas Hebert, Escadrone President

Enjoy your 3D visit to the bastioned fortification was designed by Ercole Negro, and feel free to share your comments and your own projects.

Pix4D team


Interesting, but here are multiple shadows, if I’m not wrong. Why?

P.S.: how many GCPs?

@Antonio: probably because the shadows were visible in the images. One explanation would be that there were more than one flight on the same area at a different moment in time, which resulted in two shadows at the same spot. 

I don’t know about the GCPs, anyone from Escadrone here?

 Hi Antonio Anelli,


We had 5 flights that is why we have multiple shadows.

We didn’t use GCP’s, our goal  was more esthetism than precision.


best regards


@Pierangelo If you are interested, I’ve done a survey of a castle with GCP points acquired and a “virtual” footage.

@Antonio: Yes, that sounds great. It would be interesting to see the virtual footage you have created and have your explanations about the model, e.g. how you place the GCPs, how you flew to acquire the images, with what drone and all the information you think we should know. You can directly create a post in the Hall of fame, looking forward to it!

@Pierangelo: how can I upload the “virtual footage” in my post?