Greetings to everyone
I have been trying to process images with more than 70% overlap from a thermal camera, Flir Vue Pro R, 13mm, 640x512, Grayscale Tif 14bit, geotagged correctly, using Desktop PIX4D Mapper Pro along with Thermal Camera Template.
The first time i did so, it was successful.
From then on, I always get the same error using the same auto- and well- recognised settings for the specific camera at “Image Properties Editor”:
For each image now appears the message “[Error]: Exception found trying to select keypoints: Input keypoints are empty” and finally “[Error]: No calibrated cameras.” and “[Error]: Error e0046: Processing failed. No calibrated cameras.” Additionally, when trying to reprocess the first dataset that was processed correctly, I now get the same errors.
However, when trying with RGB images from Flir Vuo Pro R 8bit jpgs I get the desired results every time. Also the Flir Tools show the TIF imagery fine and accurately.
Between the first successful processing and the failed ones, there was a change that may have affected the PIX4D process.
After processing the first dataset, I shot other ones with a camera setting change and those all failed, along with the reprocess of the first successful one.
The change was that Flir had a default value of 75 in a setting called ROI. This cuts the 25% upper part as it may be sky and misaffecting the radiometrical calculations. This ROI was at 75% for the successfully processed first dataset. The next and following ones have been shot with ROI at 100% as I shoot straigh downwards from a UAV.
From Flir Vue Pro R User guide: "The ROI slider allows the user to set a region of interest (a rectangular area of pixels on the sensor array) that the Scene algorithm will use for its calculations. This rectangular area can be configured so that varying amounts of sky will be excluded. When set to 100, the full field of view will affect the image. A setting of 50 will exclude the top half of the image. "
Could this be an indicator of wrong settings inside PIX4D for the pixels and the image size for the specific camera with 13mm lens and 640x512 resolution?
I also noticed at the saved Processing Options for the successful thermal dataset at 75% ROI that it has recognised automatically the “3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index” -> Tab “Index Calculator” -> “Resolution”: Automatic: 1xGSD(13.3117 cm/pixel),
while on the following datasets with ROI set at 100%, this is not recognised accordingly, but just has “Resolution”: Automatic: 1xGSD without specification for the cm/pixel.
However, when trying to reprocess the first 75% ROI dataset with the saved settings and recognition on the resolution, it outputs the same errors as well.
How could I attach an image for your inspection?
Thank you for your patience and attention.
Best regards