Export Ortho to JPG?

Is there anywhere to create and export a normal JPG file instead of a TIF?  These files are sometimes too large and I would just like to send JPG’s to clients.

Hi Mark,

This link might be what you need: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/204940825-How-to-convert-a-GeoTIFF-File-into-a-georeferenced-jpg-File-

The tif can be converted to jpeg in other open source and free softwares.

Once the Orthomosaic is created I am able to import it into Agtek, a program I use for earthwork quantities, to view and edit the tin. I am looking for a program that I can use to view the Ortho as an image. I have converted it into a PDF to help view the image, but sometimes the file size is too large and it won’t convert.

CAn anyone suggest a program I can use in order to view and possibly convert the image to a more manageable size to possibly show the image to co-workers that don’t have the access to software to view them.

Hi @thargis ,

Can you please have a look at the post above?
