ESRI SLPK 'web scene' layers are not supported in the current ArcGIS Online (10.5.1?)

Hi @Jeffery,

I replied to you personally, but I think it worth to share the workaround I proposed to you.

Normally, the outputs should have the reference system set in the “Select Output Coordinate System” window from the Project tab in Pix4Dmapper.

You can add a *.prj file with the desired coordinate system (here WKID-102100)

You can download such file here:

**PROJCS** ["WGS\_1984\_Web\_Mercator\_Auxiliary\_Sphere", **GEOGCS** ["GCS\_WGS\_1984", **DATUM** ["D\_WGS\_1984", **SPHEROID** ["WGS\_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]], **PRIMEM** ["Greenwich",0.0], **UNIT** ["Degree",0.0174532925199433]], **PROJECTION** ["Mercator\_Auxiliary\_Sphere"], **PARAMETER** ["False\_Easting",0.0], **PARAMETER** ["False\_Northing",0.0], **PARAMETER** ["Central\_Meridian",0.0], **PARAMETER** ["Standard\_Parallel\_1",0.0], **PARAMETER** ["Auxiliary\_Sphere\_Type",0.0], **UNIT** ["Meter",1.0], AUTHORITY["ESRI","102100"]]

Then when you export your SLPK file it should have this coordinate system.
Additionally, I would like to add that the SLPK will only be georeferenced if the project is.

Hope this will help,