error uploading mtp file to pix4dmatic

I am attempting to process a several thousand image data set and have uploaded the images and gcps. When I attempt to upload the mtp file I receive the error “1 column missing at line 1”

According to
the format is - imagename, GCP/Manual Tie Pointlabel, image coordinate x, image coordinate y, (optional) zoom level, (optional) image directory.

my format according to the above -

throws an error.
These mtps are not imported from pix4d but have been generated by another program. It is a csv .txt file.

What am I missing?

@itenviro thanks for explaining the problem and providing an example. Are you looking to import Ground Control Points (GCPs) marks or Manual Tie Points (MTPs) marks?

The answer will be slightly different depending on your answer. You mention “mtp file”, but the example you shared has the tie points with names “gcp02”. For the sake of being complete, I’ll answer both cases.

  • In the current version 1.20.0, PIX4Dmatic supports the import of GCP marks, but does not support the import of Manual Tie Points (MTP) marks.

  • I exported marks from an existing PIX4Dmatic project I have, the differences with your example are that the full image path is included in the marks file for each image. Furthermore, the “.jpg” is written “.JPG”. Also, the file is in the “.txt” file format. Here is an example line of that .txt file:


That said:

  • PIX4Dmatic will support import of MTP marks in the next release (1.21.0) planned for beginning of November. This means one can import both GCP and MTP marks either independently or together from then on.

  • The format and import logic will slightly change. I will ask our support team to document the specs of these mark files in more detail.

Hope this helps! Let me know if it worked out. If it didn’t, please provide an example file.

Out of curiosity, why do you create marks in a third party software? Can you say more about which one it is and what’s the advantage versus marking directly in PIX4Dmatic?

Thank you!

Hi all,

we prepared an article that describes the format of marks. It also provides information on how to export them from PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dmapper and then import them into PIX4Dmatic.


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