Error importing GCP (conversion)

I get an error when I attempt to use a state plane coordinate system with my images. It states “Error while converting coordinates : (inf, inf, inf) from WGS 84 + to EGM96 height to NAD83 / Texas South (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS)”. This happens if I import the GCP first or import the images first and then the GPC. The error is attached.

The EPSG used for the GCP are 2279 horizontal, 6360 vertical, GEOID18. Format of GCP files is a CSV with Point#,Northing,Easting,Elevation (N,Y,X,Z) exported from Trimble TBC. I also tried Point#,Easting,Northing,Elevation (N,X,Y,Z).

Hi @cbass,
Would it be possible that you share the file with GCPs with me?
Could you also send over at least 5 images from the project?


I bypassed the problem by exporting from TBC as WGS 84 UTM 14, EGM96 to match the image coordinate system (I’ll convert the output after it’s done). It’s probably still something you want to fix, so attached is the file with Pt#,Easting(X),Northing(Y),Elevation.

2104005 2021-04-19 Drone Control (Easting-Northing).txt (1.5 KB)

Hi @cbass,
Could you also share with us also at least 5 images from the project?


Not sure on the size restrictions when uploading so here is a Dropbox link with some pictures near a control point.


Thank you for sharing the files with us.

I had a look at them and I would suggest using EPSG:6586 - NAD83(2011) / Texas South (ftUS) instead of EPSG:2279 - NAD83 / Texas South (ftUS), as the GCPs` Horizontal Coordinate System.

Let me know if this helped.
