Erratic picture taking, long pauses before it continue flight.

Connected to my Samsung (android) devices, my Phantom 4 is taking pictures while turning.

And my latest flight was horrible with total erratic behaviour.. Also a LOT of my pictures are blurry. So much so that I am unable to use them in data-sets.

When connected to an old Ipad Air, the flight is not erratic and the pictures are better.

On both android and IOS devices, the drone sometimes take long pauses. It just hangs there and uses battery. This is a right pain.

What can I do? Please help.

Unable to use android with Pix4Dcapture again. However it seems that the most erratic picture taking have been fixed. It still takes pictures when turning though.

Hello there, The android version of PIX4Dcapture captures images based on the timelaps so it is common to have image at the edges. I would recommend flying at the lower speed to avoid blury images.