I’m trying to upload a civil CAD file as a DXF to a project on Pix4Dcloud. I have the file aligned correctly in AutoCAD (matches up with the contour file generated from mapper). While the contour file shows up in both the 2D and 3D viewers in the cloud, I can’t see the civil DXF at all in the 2D view. However, it shows up correctly in the 3D view. I have messed with the elevations in both AutoCAD and the cloud and keep getting the same results and I have no clue as to why. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, if there is maybe something I need to set differently in AutoCAD? Any help would be appreciated!
Hello @jkpower
Welcome to Pix4D Community!
Please, could you reach out directly to Pix4D Support and let us know in the support ticket, the license email you are using for processing and the project URL where you are experiencing the issue with DXF.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Have a very nice day!
best regards
What was the outcome of this issue, we are also having the same problem
Please, could you reach out directly to Pix4D Support and let us know in the support ticket, the license email you are using for processing and the project URL where you are experiencing the issue with DXF.
We didn’t receive an answer from this user, and due to this we don’t have a clear understanding of the situation.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Have a very nice day!
best regards