PIX4Dcloud Advanced offers a new 3D visualization of the DXF files.
Up to now, the DXF files were only displayed in 2D on top of the ortho and DSM.
The new feature allows displaying them also in 3D on top of the point cloud/3Dmesh including the annotations and IFC model if they exist in the project.
DXF files with only 2D information
Some of the DXF files used by our customers do not have 3D information. It is the case of building design files where each of the floor is independent.
When importing this type of file, it will be displayed by default at the average altitude of the point cloud or 3Dmesh of the project but it can be changed by the user.
You can easily check the as-built versus as-design also in 3D floor by floor, just type the right altitude in the right panel and enable the information that you need (Click on the link below to see a gif explaining the feature)
DXF files with 3D information
Other files do contain 3D information. In that case, the file is displayed at the right altitude. A good example are contour lines which can now be also displayed on top of the point cloud and 3Dmesh (Click on the link below to see a gif explaining the feature)
Other files containing lines, polygons or points can be imported too, the example below shows several files that were exported from PIX4Dsurvey in DXF and are displayed in 3D (Click on the link below to see a gif explaining the feature).