Upgraded Pix4D to 3.0.13 yesterday, and converted a project from the old format to new. (Inadvertently called it “old_version”). I edited the point cloud, and Processed the final step 3 to generate contours, mosaic image, and project boundary line that i drew.
Opened it up this morning and the contours generated and i can open them. The boundary .dxf won’t open, and gives me the message in AutoCAD 2014:
“DXF read error on line 2135.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input – drawing discarded.”
When i try to open the pix4d model to go re-create the features, i get the following error message.
[Info]: XSD Validation - description: \<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/'\>\<body\>\<p\>Content of element \<span class='XQuery-keyword'\>indexDownsamplingMethod\</span\> does not match its type definition: String content is not listed in the enumeration facet..\</p\>\</body\>\</html\>
[Info]: type: 3
[Info]: location: file:///D:/pix4dmapper/charlottesville\_10-06-16/cville\_old\_version.p4d line: 166 column: 28
[Error]: XML file validation failed with XSD: C:/Program Files/Pix4Dmapper/resources/xsd/9/pix4d.xsd
[Error]: Error e0400b: Cannot open project D:\pix4dmapper\charlottesville\_10-06-16\cville\_old\_version.p4d. Invalid format.
Probably going to try and revert back a version and hoipefully i don’t lose the work!
Any ideas?