Drone nerds and NDVI

So I bought a Drone Nerds phantom 4 with camera modified for NDVI .  According to their documentation, it only records light in the Red (660 nm and NIR bands.  They tell me to capture images in RAW so that they can be processed properly using QGIS before using an image stitching software.  However, pix4d capture will only shoot in jpg, same for DroneDeploy app.  DJI ground station might work.


  1. Am I correct that I need to shoot in RAW?

  2. Am I correct that the image will only have two bands?

  3. Am I correct that pix4d and drone deploy apps are insufficient?


The difference between accurate and true…!

-1 Pix4D environmental does not support most raw formats, but to do the conversions isn’t hard just step intensive.

-2 Notching and spectral characteristics of your sensor and filter are true but accurate is another thing altogether.

-3 After imagery is preprocessed for ingestion into Pix4D, I think you will be ok.

There are many folks much more familiar with these steps then I on form here. Search and good luck.