Define Camera Parameters in PIX4Dmatic


Although one of the aims of the PIX4Dmatic is supporting the processing of large format images, different cameras could not be define in PIX4Dmatic. It is necessary to working with several large format datasets. For example, I want to process PhaseOne iXM-RS150F,however, I can’t edit camera specifications in PIX4Dmatic.

Hi @atay,

thank you for the suggestion. We took note of it and will consider to implement it in future versions. From the information I have at the moment, this feature could be added by the end of next year.

Note that all cameras that have the basic EXIF information available are supported. You can find more information in the article:

For other visitors of this page, feel free to upvote this post and add a comment with a description how would you use this feature and which camera are you trying to use.


Is there any update to this query? I have a similar requirement to process PhaseOne imagery and want to know if the camera parameters are defined within Pix4Dmatic

@rory.oconnor we still plan to add a camera internals parameters dialog in PIX4Dmatic, but this will take some more time.

We have worked with PhaseONE directly to make their cameras compatible with PIX4Dmatic out of the box, i.e. they have worked on adding the right EXIF/XMP tags directly in their imagery, if it is not yet available it should soon be the case on their side.

Can you specify which camera from PhaseONE you work with? I can check with the people at PhaseONE if needed.

Hi @Pierangelo_Rothenbuhler thanks for the quick response. We are using the iXM-100 camera. I processed a test space yesterday and the results look very nice. Unfortunately I didn’t have any ground control to truth the results but, the results look quite nice.

Hi @rory.oconnor, this camera should be compatible already with PIX4Dmatic. As you mention in your reply that you processed a test space yesterday, I assume it works as expected.

We have a “generic camera” model tool, that manages to read the camera parameters (internal and external) from the image metadata. This is usually enough to make it work, more advanced camera parameter editing will be useful for cameras that do not have the right metadata, or for some very tricky projects where the calibration did not work for reasons related to internal camera parameters optimization.

PhaseOne datasets are usually really pretty and one can get a lot of details out of them, I’m impressed every time! Enjoy!