Combining two different datasets from the same site.

Hello! Currently I am on a trial of Pix4dSurvey after using Pix4dmatic for about 6 months now. My team is trying out Survey to see if we are able to combine two different datas from the same site. Last summer during our fieldwork we scanned a site using Matterport cameras, from there we were able to create a .las file which we are hoping to overlay on top of our aerial photogrammetry from this past summer.

However…the .las files from Matterport do not have a coordinate reference system which is making it difficult to overlay in most software.

Is this something that can be done in PIX4Dsurvey?

Hello hleggett,

With survey you can use the Manual Registration to align projects

For that you need to create at least three markers on well-identifiable features in both projects.

And use the manual registration to reference the las file to the aereal project.

I hope this option can help you solve your problem.

All the best


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