Cant reinstall onto Mavic Pro 2 controller

So we had Pix4D Capture (not the pro) installed on the smart controller and it was working fine for years until our boss took to a remote area to map a lot, and then no matter what it would not upload the mission to the drone. He spent all day trying to get it to work, and at one point reset the controller and tried to reinstall the app before giving up entirely.

Now that I got the drone back, I tried installing Capture Pro using the APK and it would crash every time I boot it up, so that has been no luck whatsoever.

I then tried installing the most recent version of the old capture (4.11.0) and CTRL+DJI but Capture keeps saying that there is no connection to the drone. The controller connects to the drone fine using the DJI Go app for flying it, but Capture cant seem to talk to it. CTRL+DJI also keeps saying its disconnected. I tried both the 1.9.9 official release and the 1.9.10 beta. The controller is using android 7 and everything is telling me its the most recent version available.

So I’m completely lost. This was working just fine until its not. The Pro version of capture simply crashes every time I try to boot it up, and the non-Pro version cant seem to connect to the drone. I’ve been using the APKs to install because every time I try to use the google play store (via web browser), it just ends up installing it on my phone once I login.

Hi @apexab,

Please note that PIX4Dcapture legacy is not supported anymore and is not distributed.
If you want to use PIX4Dcapture Pro with your Mavic 2 Pro, you will need to use the Default RC1A controller.

Let me know if this helps and if there is anything else I can do for you.