Can't connect to new Mavic 3E

I couple days ago I added the Mavic 3E to the arsenal, I’m trying out various Pix3D components such as Capture Pro but I cannot connect to the drone.

It looks pretty straight forward but since it’s not working maybe I’m missing something obvious.

  1. The M3E and RC Pro controller are all up to date
  2. Everything works perfect as I’d expect when using the standard Pilot 2 app. it flies, it lands, I can create missions etc.
  3. I’ve confirmed that only Capture Pro is running. Pilot 2 is Not running in the background.
  4. Yes I have the M3E selected as the drone in the dropdown list in the app
  5. I’ve tried installing the app both from an SD card and via downloading from the built in browser and it acts the same, as I’d expect.
  6. I do notice that every single time I first open the app it starts to open for a couple seconds then closes. subsequent attempts seems to work and it doesn’t auto close.
  7. Ive checked all permissions (which appears to just be location) and nothing is being denied.

any thoughts? Not sure what else to try.

Is there a better way to reach support? I also opened a ticket with no response. I called the number on my invoice and it just said to come here.

If I can’t get support on these products then it’s definitely not worth $500/month for various offerings.

We had flights planned tomorrow and will now be switching software platforms :frowning:

I just want to talk to a human not read a document that doesn’t help

Hello Jamie, PIX4Dcapture pro is the free app provided to the user of PIX4D’s user. It is not the paid app so it might take longer to get the support for the app. I recommend you to try the steps explained in the below troubleshooting article. There was a new version of PIX4Dcapture Pro 1.3.1 released few days ago, I recommend updating it too.

Pix4D’s software is image acquisition app agnostic. That means PIX4Dmapper, PIX4Dcloud, PIX4Dmatic, PIX4Dreact, and PIX4Dfields can process images taken virtually from any application as long as they are of good quality and overlap. So, if PIX4Dcapture Pro is not supported or working for your drone, I suggest recommend going through the below support article,

Hi Kapil, yes I’ve tried all of that and have the latest version. Also, the drone flys just fine using anything else (pilot 2, dronedeploy, etc)

According to everything I’ve read is that if you have any active paid subscription or an active trial (I have both), then you get the pro version of the license not the discovery version. Also that support IS included.

See this licensing link below which explains it

I wanted to close the loop on this as it was finally resolved.

Unfortunately I still don’t know what the root cause was. After logging out and back in multiple times on the app it finally connected, I was able to successfully fly a mission as well.

So not sure what the issue was but it’s working now so that’s good.