Hello. I tried directly jpg files from DJI Air2s and it works with Pix4d React. Since I always work with raw files, I edit the contrast, noise wb, etc in Adobe Lightroom and exported to jpg with geotags. Now the React does not work with these files. Last year I used the Mapper and same files worked.
I do not change the resolution or any lens correction. I tried to edit the xml file but without any sucess. Can I send you some exported images?
Thank you.
It is not recommended to edit the image in any post-processing software.
The metadata might have changed and that is the reason why PIX4Dreact can’t read the images anymore.
You can share a few images in case it works with the XML.
Thank you for your response. Some images in the link bellow.
Thank your sharing the images. Images exif tags were changed indeed. I added the new camera name on the XML of https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039273312-Your-camera-is-not-supported-at-this-time-PIX4Dreact
Give it a try.
Hallo.I am also using Air2S and Lightroom.
I can’t merge images after image correction in Lightroom.
I cannot merge images using CustomCameraParameterFile_01032024.
Can you please create custom camera parameter file ?
Please process the raw imagery into PIX4Dreact.