Beta OS X version of Pix4Dmapper 2.1

Today I’ve launched Pix4D 2.1.53 using the same file of the one developed using the previous version (2.0.104). Results: two crashes.

Sorry, but 2.1.53 version continues to crash: using the same photos, version 2.0.104 ends the process, version 2.1.53 crashes.

Let me know if you want to read the message appeared on my computer, I’ve saved it in a word file.

Best regards.

P.S.: how can you ask to buy a license if it crashes everytime it starts?

Most recent version 2.1.xx (today is May 30th 2016) keeps crashing with my Mac Pro too.

Will try version 2.0.104 now.


"Charlie FuryToday at 12:24

Most recent version 2.1.xx (today is May 30th 2016) keeps crashing with my Mac Pro too.

Will try version 2.0.104 now."


I agree with Charlie Fury: I’m still using the version 2.0.104.
Be aware: the new version (2.1.53) overwrites the previous files and makes impossible to open them using the version 2.0.104 on my Mac Pro 6.1 (late 2013)

I am also running the latest version and it also crashes all the time on my Mac Pro.  Do we have a date for the fix, becoming a real problem now.  Does anyone have a link the the version that worked?

@Kyle Gardner

If you give me your email, I can try to find the version 2.0.104 on my computer and send it to you via email. Regards.

Thank you, it is 



@Antonio Anelli:
There should be a notification in Pix4Dmapper when a new build is available. Normally, as was the case for version 2.1.53, we also add a comment in this official forum post when the new version is released. Clicking on “Follow” in the top right corner of the official forum post, should send you an email when a new comment was added. Adding the change log to the message is a good idea.
Pix4Dmapper for Mac OS X is still a beta version, which should be considered when purchasing a license. Please note that the purchased license can also be used on a stable Windows version.

@Sylvain Pedretti:
The satellite view issue should be fixed in version 2.1.53. Please let us know if you still experience it.
Regarding the crashes when clicking on the rayCloud view: may we ask you to check that the GPU drivers are updated? If they are updated and the problem remains, please send us the log file of your project to

@Antonio Anelli, Kyle Gardner and Charlie Fury:
The crash may be related to a programming library that was used in 2.1.53. The fix will be added to the next build that is released. In the meantime, you can find a version with the fix here:
If the problem remains in this version, please send us the log file of your project to
There is a link to version 2.0.104 of Pix4Dmapper in the topic description and here:

@David Medeiros, Phillipe Lachat and John Santry:
May we ask you if you used another software at the same time? It could be that we do not detect the available RAM correctly, since there are many softwares reporting it.

Best regards, 

@Kyle Gardner

Did you solve, after last Pix4D Support post reporting where to find 2.0.104 version, or do you need help?

Let me know.

Ok, 2.1.53_test doesn’t crash, but still doesn’t show the satellite image.

Here is one screen shot: it has been made using the version 2.1.53_test

This one has been made using the previous version 2.0.104
 with the same source (a short footage and one frame/50)

Thank you, the temp DMG has solved my crashing issues.

Chiming in to second what @Antonio Anelli said “2.1.53_test doesn’t crash, but still doesn’t show the satellite image.”


The program no longer crashes, but the “Map View” doesn’t show any images.

The link in first page downloads the 2.1.58 version instead the 2.1.53 one, isn’t it?
Now, is the version 2.1.58 affordable and true for Mac OS X or is only for Windows?
Is there anyone who has installed it?

Kind regards

@Antonio Anelli 
Looks like the mesh and point cloud are displayed at the same time in your screenshot from version 2.1.53_test, I’d try to deactivate the point cloud so that we can compare it to version 2.0.104.

yes, the link in the forum post downloads version 2.1.58 now, unfortunately I think it is still a beta version as the link is still in this beta post for Mac OS X. I have downloaded version 2.1.58 and it seems ok for now. Let us know what you find


@Mathieu Sigi

Both screenshots are displayed with “point clouds” and “triangle meshes” buttons activated, if I’m not wrong and yes version 2.1.58 works in beta OS X Pix4D Explorer except for satellite image, not selectable yet.

Links to download Mac versions are KO :

Is the 2.2 Mac version already available ?



I would like to download a mac version. I received an error “AccessDeniedAccess Denied2DEDB1583654CF77zYPFTJanFShi5HJ0wKUXlUdL3Y/fkO+dIUtF53XeT37tkLhj5+Kr5C4Ux/d2ma3S” when I press on the link.

Any suggestion?


Concur, getting same error noted by Sylvain above. Just bought a year license…will I be pro-rated a day? Looking forward to using it. 



Hello everyone,

Please download the 2.1.61 Mac version here: 

We will keep you updated about the new version :slight_smile:

Best Regards,