Background in the orthomosaic

Hi there!

When I generate and export an orthomosaic, the software generates a .jpg image with a black background. Could I manage that? I mean, could I obtain a .jpg image without a background? I ask this because, sometimes, I need to overlap differents orthomosaics taken at differents times and, in those cases, the background in black mess the results up.

Any idea? Any experience regarding this?

Thanks in advanced.


Hi @miguel.alonso.fernandez.acciona,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake: .

If you select to process and export the orthomosaic in JPG format, it is not possible to enable a transparent background because of the limitations of the file format.

However, you can select to export the orthomosaic in GeoTIFF format (.tiff, screenshot below). This format also allows you to open the orthomosaics in GIS software, taking into account the geographic information.


Please let me know if this helps you.

:bulb: Tip:
If you want to overlap two or more projects, we suggest processing the projects using Ground Control Points (GCPs), having points shared between the projects. This will improve the alignment.

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Thanks Daniele.

Really, the tiff format sort the issue out.

I appreciate your feedback and tip.

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I’m happy to hear that this was helpful.

Happy mapping :slight_smile:.

Now if they had a little button below lzw compression to export with transparent/no background…

Dumping 100-200 tiles into a QGIS software or similar and removing the backgrounds is a real pain. We use Pixmatic for large corridors and our clients never want a background. Please add this as a function!

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Hi @agreen,

Thank you for your message.
Please note that the .jpg format does not support transparent background.
To have a transparent background, you will need to use the GeoTIFF format (.tif).


Yes. Tiff is fine. There is not an option to process ortho’s with a transparent background in PixMatic, though. We need this basic option to be available.

Hi @agreen ,

I noticed that you mentioned a feature request.
In these cases, I advise you to share your request here PIX4Dmatic Feature Request - Pix4D Community and to take a look at what the other users shared too - you might be interested in voting on some of their requested features.
The product manager and the design team are tracking the events on this page in order to better respond to the user’s requests.

(UX designer of PIX4Dmatic)

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Hi @agreen,

Please note that, by default, the GeoTIFFs created by PIX4Dmatic have a transparent background.
If this is not the case, there might be a bug. Please share with us the orthomosaic in GeoTIFF format without the transparent background.

Morning Daniele! This is odd. We have imagery tiles overlapping each-other and the black background (collar) masks out the tile behind it. This is happening to us in AutoCAD Civil 3D as well as is happening to one of our clients who is using our imagery in PLS-CADD. The black color is the same as the background color of his software and it causes the software to run very slow. See example from your PixMapper tutorial on raster management on generating a transparent background. Transparency of the orthomosaic ( This might explain what I’m talking about. We are looking for the result on the right side of the screenshot. Thanks!

Hi @agreen,

Thank you for your reply and screenshots.
Yes, this is odd. Again, the GeoTIFF orthomosaic from PIX4Dmapper should have a transparent background.

I would like to take a look at these tiles.

Can you please upload some tiles here? Please let me know when the upload is complete.


Can you link the secure code verification to my email address instead of Miguel’s (whoever that is)? My email address is a*****@k*******.c**

Sure, please try this again.

I have just removed your email from your previous post in order not to make it public.

Hi there

In C3D you can make the black background dissappear when you select all the tiles and then from the ribbon palette 'Image → Background Transparency ’ Can’t help you with PLS-CADD.

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I am using these settings in PIX4dmatic and having the exact same issue of the background being black rather than transparent. Is there a fix? Thanks!

Hi @alexa.briscoe,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake: .

Can you please confirm if you are exporting the orthomosaic in GeoTIFF format (and not in JPG format) and how you are opening the orthomosaic?


Have you considered using background colors for JPG images from the project-configured color? I’ve noticed that in JPGs, the background consistently appears black, regardless of the project’s configured background color. Opting for white backgrounds might suffice in situations where TIFF files are too large.