Orthomosaic edges

Is there a way to remove the white edges from around the orthomosaics? When I import into 3rd party software the white edges cause issues for printing etc. I really only want to see the overall image itself…

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Vaughan,

By default, the orthomosaic with one extra band (transparency band), which results in a transparent background of the orthomosaic is generated.

I would recommend having a look at the Transparency of the orthomosaic article for more information.

If this does not answer your question, then please add some screenshots that show the areas that you are mentioning.



Thanks for your reply Blaz,

I have used the transparent mosaic. I import this into Global mapper software and export as an ecw file to reduce the size so that it is manageable in the 3rd party software we use(12D).

When this is imported the edges are white. This causes issues when I have two images in the same job as one overlaps and covers part of the other image…. see below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Vaughan


Since the conversion happens in Global Mapper software I would recommend checking with Global Mapper support for additional information.

Looking at their Knowledge Base I was able to find the “Make Background (Void) Pixels Transparent” section in the [Export GeoTIFF](http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/knowledgebase/global-mapper-20/#Formats/GeoTIFF.htm%3FTocPath%3DExporting%2520Data|Export%2520Raster%252FImage%2520Data| _____ 11) section.