Ability to draw a box around images to disable or only images to use

I am often given large data sets to process that includes data from other areas to be processed seperately. Here is an common example where there are 2000 images not needed in to be processed with the rest. Some at the start, some at the end of the flight. It would be great if Matic would let the user draw a box around the images to disable or only the ones to use in processing. I can not see the image names in 2d view so have to go back to Pix4dmapper to identify the names of the images to disable, write them down , and edit the folder. This would also be great when there are processing problems. Draw a box around a small area like 300 photos and just use the images selected instead of processing 10000+ photos and waiting 6 hours for it to fail.


Once you imported the images, you could multi-select the images that you’d like to remove in the 3D view, then remove them from the project in the cameras table (it shows the selection there too).

Another option would be to use the region of interest, in that case though the calibration is still computed for the entire area (not the dense etc…though), so probably the first option is what you’d like to do here.

Would that work?

OK the polygon select in 3d with camera pane open does what I need. Thank you very much!!

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