3D models - do i want Pix4Dmapper or Pix4Dmodel ?

Hi Jonty,

I will answer to your questions below:

  1. Pix4Dmapper desktop does everything pix4Dmodel does and more. Both these softwares are the same installation, only some features cannot be used in Model. You can see the comparison table here: https://www.pix4d.com/compare-solutions

  2. There is Mac for both but it is beta and we have stopped developing it: Beta macOS version of Pix4Dmapper 3.0, it is availble for both Mapper and Model as iths the same insatllation. the link from where you can download is given here

  3. You can upload from desktop to cloud by making chnages in the processing options or customising it: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202558589-How-to-upload-project-files-from-Desktop-to-Cloud

Also, you can reach out to Support if you have Support and Upgrade or if you are using trial, we usually respoind within 24 hours. Also, you could write to community anytime.